Hiya, name's Zone. Well, or Sonic, but since we're all Sonic here I just go by Zone normally. I'm one of the.. many Sonic the Hedgehogs running around here, although in comparison to someone like Rewrite I tend to always be in super transformation. I can exit it just fine if I want to, but I prefer to be this way for the most part.

I don't really have any exomemories, and what noemata I do have I'm not sure if its specific to me or if that's just the collective memories of us as Sonic. Who knows. In any case there's probably overlap, which wouldn't surprise me given how I got here in the first place if you know me well enough you've probably heard that story already, it's not really a fun one so I won't elaborate on specifics but I guess you can sort of consider me an "emergency guy" since the brain was just like. Well dang! who do we make in this time of crisis! I guess we'll just go with old reliable *pulls a Sonic out of thin air*

I'm specifically based on the Sonic from Sonic Mania, and a little bit of the OVA. When I got here I was just sort of normal at first until I figured out that super transformation gives me extreme. species? gender? some sort of envy. I'm a lot happier to be this way, and it helps my system with their own feelings about super transformation, too. I guess because of how I came to be and what I am I'm just sort of naturally tied to a lot of the deeper parts of the system? I just sort of know how things are going back there, without even really trying. It's probably helpful but sometimes I feel overwhelmed or burnt out by all the. Feelings and thoughts I just have to carry.

I don't know, I'm still figuring myself out, really. It's pretty easy to lose the knowledge of who you are and your personality in here, but I'm doing my best, anyways.